I’ve always craved a thrill to the otherwise mundane, and not only because I grew up near a theme park.

I’ve had a rapidly pivoting imagination running rampant through my mind since I was a child, willing even the most boring activities to be entertaining to some capacity. Growing up with undiagnosed ADHD, I always had excess energy, and an overactive stream of consciousness. Emotionally intense and under-stimulated, I couldn’t sit through a meal without asking if I could “go back and forth” and run laps around my house between bites of dinner; feeling the air blow across my face, leaping onto the couch from as far away as I felt safe. My ADHD keeps me in the moment, craving chaos, and there is no better place to create chaos than onstage.

When I am acting, every stressor, every bill, every dirty dish, friends who have betrayed me, family members I’ve lost, things I wish I never said, things I never got to say, all get blown away. The only thing that matters is the other person onstage and the story we are telling together. My inherent love of finite detail and honesty provides an acting experience that truly feels alive; like I’m flying through the air; the space between leap and couch; raw, playful immersion.